The Jewish New Year

A tree in the middle of a field with grass.

Yom Kippur- Day of Atonement

Below is from the Assembly of Called out Believers website. Yom Kippur video study...
Two sheep laying in the grass next to each other.

Weekly Sabbath Torah Reading #53 Haazinu

In the Tree of Life Bible pages 1424-1425 there is a section titled, The Spiritual...
A river running through the middle of a green valley.

Weekly Sabbath Torah Reading #51 Nitzavim & 52 Vayelech

In  the Tree of Life Bible pages 1424-1425 there is a section titled,  The   Spiritual...
A green valley with mountains in the background

Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is the anniversary...
A cross is shown against the sky.

Weekly Sabbath Torah Reading #50 Ki Tavo

In the Tree of Life Bible pages 1424-1425 there is a section titled,  The  Spiritual...